Wo Shi Laowai – Wo Pa Shui

This Blog was Invented in Xi'an 5,000 Years Ago

Learn from Lei Feng Day

Posted by MyLaowai on Friday, March 5, 2010

Today, the 5th of March, is the day upon which all the Chinese People remember and celebrate the life of China’s greatest sock-washer and homosexual rent-boy. I am, of course, referring to the philosopher Lei Feng.

In salutation to this great man and his people, I have composed a poetic tribute, my small part in bringing harmoniousness to the great Han Empire:

Lei Feng? Lei Feng!
You were crap with a gun, Feng,
So the others made fun, Feng,
While you washed all their socks, Feng.

Lei Feng? Lei Feng!
It is a pity, Feng,
That you were so shitty, Feng,
At all that you done, Feng.

Lei Feng? Lei Feng!
Now you’re a bung, Feng,
In the Party’s bum, Feng,
And serve to block up their runs, Feng.

For more on the life and times of China’s most selfless man, go here and here.

124 Responses to “Learn from Lei Feng Day”

  1. 0112337 said

    Oh you Laowais will never understand.

  2. MyLaowai said

    That should be:

    “Oh comma you Laowai singular will never understand period”.

    But yeah, you’re right: we never will.

  3. 0112337 said

    Your critique should have been;

    “Oh comma you Laowai plural will never understand period.”

    Conventional English grammar dictates that the period goes inside the quotation marks.

    “Laowai” is a Chinese word, so I can pluralize it however I want. Like the original term, you will learn to adopt it later.

    In addition, don’t you think it is a tragedy that China has understood the West, but the West has no idea of China?

  4. 0112337 said

    Sun Zi says, “know thy enemy and know thy self, and you can fight one hundred battles and win one hundred times.”

    Old adages come in handy. Something to keep in mind.

  5. MyLaowai said


    Since you’re asking, here are my thoughts:

    1. “Oh comma you Laowai singular will never understand period”. The period is inside the quotation marks, however the sentence is not merely a quotation. How much does this matter in terms of the joke? Not at all. Moving on…

    2. Laowai is pluralized only when Laowais use it. The local yokels do not.

    3. The real tragedy is that Chinese think they understand the West just fine, whereas in truth they make the same assumptions and errors as their more culturally advanced neighbours made in the run-up to WWII. The Chinese see kindness and think of it as weakness, they see a willingness to meet others halfway and negotiate fairly and think of it as a sign that the West can be pushed around forever. Sooner or later, however, the Chinese will push too far, just like the Japanese did. And there is every possibility that the Chinese will learn the same hard lessons that the Japanese did, although to be fair the Japanese are far smarter than the Chinese, so perhaps this lot won’t learn – after all, they never managed to learn anything from their betters before, did they?

    4. What Sun Tzu said was (best translation): “Know other, know self, hundred battles without danger; not knowing other but know self, one win one loss; not knowing other, not knowing self, every battle must lost.” Sun Tzu was not half as clever as he thought he was, but knowing your enemy is rather important. I know my enemy just fine, and to help others with the identification process I’ve even written a few pieces about it.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  6. LoveChinaLongTime said

    It’s sad when the best example of doing one’s “civic duty” is a fictional little whipping boy made up by CCP propagandists.

    Common courtesy and doing good for your neighbors and community should be a no brainer but alas, in China it only possibly happens but once a year…

  7. Understanding?

    Western Person arrives in China (Shanghai?) – “Wow, this is cool and so modern. What the fuck is that smell and where has the middle distance gone. Is that pollution for real. Now, where can I get me some Chinese pussy. Thank fuck I’m only staying a few days!”

    Chinese Person arrives in the West (Anywhere) – “Wow, this is so cool and almost as modern as China. Oh, there is no smell, how strange and why do all these buildings look so small over there, ah, it’s because they are far away and I can still see them, amazing. There is hardly any pollution here. Now, where can I get me some Chinese food. I wish I could stay here forever!”

    Happy Lei Feng Day, from all of us in the West!

    • Joe Unlie said

      On the other hand some of us arrive here and think we’ve arrived in the dystopian cyberpunk dreamland of our wildest fantasies… and even three years into the dream, still don’t want to wake up…

      • Yeah, probably because you are a lazy slob who can hide from adult responsibility while in China and get something you probably can’t get back home – laid!

      • ZH said

        joe, that’s the best expression yet of my general idea of the place.

        makes me wonder who Ss has been spending time with..

      • Joe Unlie said

        Had no problems getting laid back home, or getting work. Problem is, home wasn’t where I wanted to be- home was a tiny, insignificant midwestern town which I’d wanted to get out of my whole life. Do you know how high unemployment is in major urban areas in the US right now, especially among my generation? Of my friends who live in major cities and don’t have engineering degrees, none of them can find work beyond retail associate jobs or coffee-pouring- and if they can find those, they’re lucky. And we don’t get European welfare benefits. Off to Asia, it was. I chose Shanghai over Seoul or Tokyo because there were job opportunities other than teaching here. Took a slight pay cut ($32K to $26K), but it was worth it to be in an actual city- a place that didn’t smell like manure and hog’s blood (seriously, you think this place smells? You’ve never smelled a midwestern cow-town. I’ll take a little smog to escape that.), had skyscrapers, subways and shopping malls of the variety I’d been doodling in my notebook my whole life, and abundant teahouses. In the two years I’ve been here, I’ve had a great time, and encountered little of the negative behavior described in this blog. I’ve been treated warmly and politely, invited into people’s homes as an honored guest, and never once wronged by the Chinese (with the exception of being overcharged for a suit at a market the first week I was here, which I attribute to my own ignorance). The only bullies I’ve encountered were in the expat community; the Chinese are unfailingly polite to me. So if you’re hating it here, examine yourself. I couldn’t believe the proprietor of this blog lived in Shanghai at first- the horror story he described sounded more like some shithole like Taiyuan, Linfen or Lanzhou… not the Shanghai I’ve come to know and love.

      • MyLaowai said

        I dunno… I reckon that comment is worth more than the usual five mao, what do the rest of you guys think? Is it fair that Laowai earn more than the local yokels for doing the same job?

        Or it it that Joe is merely seeking the immortality and fame that a Wet Pussy brings?

        Bloody seppo’s.

      • You’ve only been there 3 years – give it time. I left after 9 years (not Shanghai though) and now back home glad for the experience but glad to see the back of the place once and for all. ‘Why did you stay 9 years if you hated it so much?’ I hear you ask. Well, I didn’t hate it – I just loved to hate it – and during my last 3 years or so, I stayed for one thing and one thing only. MONEY!

  8. […] more helpful. Mylaowai, himself a dedicated learner of China’s spiritual civilization, wrote a poem to salute the idol, and 0112337 has lost all hope that foreigners will ever understand. Possibly related posts: […]

  9. 0112337 said


    I will respond to each point chronologically;

    1. You make no sense.

    2. My point is that you Laowais are using the term “Laowai”, a Chinese word. Mind its origin, therefore, its originator has all the right to manipulate its grammatical forms. This includes how to pluralize the word.

    3. Your Eurocentric ignorance make you look uneducated, petty, and ridiculous. I laugh.

    4. Touche, perhaps you are right. Can I ask you who your enemies are? I am curious.


    If any western country had as many people as China that country would immediately start mass killings or ethnic cleansing, with the holy sanction of Jesus in one way or another, never mind civic duty. It’s a miracle that you people survived to today.

    Wait…I take that back…you people are dying out, never mind.


    Interesting perspective, from an ignorant Chinese viewpoint, the observation could be thus;

    Western person arrives in China, “Oh so modern looking, this is not what our media taught us back home! Where are the backward farmers in conical straw hats and the human rickshaws? What about those opium addicts? Hmm…..am I in the right country? Oh look, the Chinese in the cities treat us like any other human being, why don’t they treat us like royalty? After all, I AM A WESTERNER for God’s sake!! Look! Look! See white skin, deep eyes, blonde/brown/red hair? Caucasian?

    I may be a loser back home that fucked up in school and can’t find a job but I am here now! And I am king because…oh wait…wait…I AM A WESTERNER!!! I don’t have to understand local culture or respect local rules. FUCK, the locals should OBEY MY RULES, I AM FUCKING GOD.

    And they are cursing at us and cheating us. I wonder why…”

    Chinese arrives in the West (anywhere), “interesting, the locals are stupid. They are irrational, illogical, and some can’t count. I gave one 10 dollars/euros and asked for change. He gave me three 5’s.

    The food is coarse, fit for horse, and life is bland. People like to hide in little wooden boxes far away from each other. They develop depression and then either kill themselves or spend hundreds each year on anti-depressant drugs and/or psychological counselors. Very strange.

    They are born in a wooden box (a carriage), they live in a wooden box (house), and finally, they die in a wooden box.

    Parents kick out their children at age 18 and abandon them, then they wallow in lonely depression and blame the government. The kids then make the same mistakes as their parents, have kids, and then their kids make the same mistakes as them. Nobody talks to one another and they all take their respective drugs and call their suffering “part of life”. And then they die…in a box.

    This is the civilized life I am supposed to enjoy?! This is living death! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! QUICK!!”

    If you can’t tell, I am Chinese by the way, and unlike my other countrymen, I actually find the eurocentric ignorance amusing. It truly is a human condition. Chinese people with similar backgrounds and social status have the EXACT same ignorant views on the West.

    • ZH said

      you have some severe psychic trauma. get out of international finance, go work in the garden for a few years. hate will kill you faster than most things (on the average).

  10. 0112337 said

    What do most of you Laowais do in China? I am curious. Mylaowai, I take it that you are a Western businessman in Shanghai. What about the others? Are you guys English teachers? Businessmen?

  11. “If any western country had as many people as China that country would immediately start mass killings or ethnic cleansing…” – Have your never read about the mass killings of Chinese by Chinese during the last Century or doesn’t that count because it’s China’s internal affairs?

    “Oh so modern looking, this is not what our media taught us back home.” – I would bet that the majority of ‘westerners’ have a better idea of China than the average Chinese person does of the west, probably due to our ability to access the media for one thing, but just as much down to our actually interest in things that are ourwith our own cultures. And let’s not even start to discuss literacy and numeracy.

    Don’t pretend you are Chinese. You were born and raised outside of China and you don’t hold a Chinese passport. You sympathise with the Chinese but you do not empathise. You yearn to regain your lost culture and you want to belong – but you never will. You don’t fit it with white westerners because you don’t want to and you don’t fit in with the local Chinese because they don’t want you.

    • Joe Unlie said

      “I would bet that the majority of ‘westerners’ have a better idea of China than the average Chinese person does of the west, probably due to our ability to access the media for one thing, but just as much down to our actually interest in things that are ourwith our own cultures.”

      Are you serious? You can’t be. I’ve found the average Chinese person that I have spoken with in Shanghai is much more knowledgeable regarding the US than the typical American (who lacks interest in China) is regarding China. For one thing, the typical American can’t name a Chinese city beyond Beijing, Shanghai, or Hong Kong, or a Chinese leader beyond Mao Zedong (if that)… whereas every Chinese person I’ve talked to could, on the spot, name off at least ten American cities and half a dozen Presidents. Sure, this is trivial (and Chinese tend to be past masters at memorizing trivia, as am I), but it betokens a greater interest in us than we have in them- despite the fact that they outnumber us (by us I’m speaking only of Americans, though I know the proprietor of this blog is not one) 4:1.

      I won’t deny that there are plenty of Americans who are interested in other cultures, but I’d say the proportion that are vs. aren’t is roughly the same as that of China. This could just be due to the fact that China and the US both have bad cases of “Middle Kingdom Syndrome”, however…

      • Dear Mr. Joe Unlie – I can’t disagree with you on that one. I’ve found that no matter where I go in the world, most people I meet, regardless of education level are far better informed about almost everything than your average American. But, I hesitate to point out that I said (and you quoted me) WESTERNERS!!! There is far more to the ‘West’ the the US of fucking A so go take your head our of your ass, please.

      • MyLaowai said


      • Joe Unlie said

        Nope, we are the West. You guys are just our imperial satraps. When we say frog, you jump. When we go to war, you follow- because if you didn’t, you’d be speaking Russian or Arabic by now. Our creaky, corrupt oligarchy- along with China’s creaky, corrupt oligarchy (and Russia’s, once oil prices spike and they finish re-arming their military) run the world now. You don’t. You gave your empires away because you were afraid to stand up to a few colonial rebels and do the dirty work that the USA, USSR and China were willing to do. Enjoy hiding under mommy’s skirts?

      • ooOOoo…. cool.

  12. Huolong said

    It finally occurred to me I should ask this question: why does this site load so slow? where is it hosted?

    When I was more fenqing 7 years ago, I wrote this definition of Lei Feng:

    In China, “Lei Fengs” are those heroes who dedicate themselves to the responsibity that shoud have been assigned to the state or the whole society in an institutionalized way. When there is no such institutionalized way of taking up the responsibilty, their heroism of doing jobs out of their jurisdiction is often hailed as “good deeds”, “models” or “exemplary figures others shoud copy”. In short, Lei Fengs are somewhat like dogs in the manger — no one expects them to be there at all.

    • MyLaowai said

      Hi Huolong,

      The reason why Lei Feng is such a joke, is that the things he is held up to represent, as an unusually good person, would be considered very normal anywhere else in the world. The fact that the Party needs such a ‘hero’ is a good indication of just how far down the cultural food chain Chinese culture is. Doing good for others, helping without being asked, being polite, these are the things people elsewhere do without thinking, and without expecting recognition for.

      As for why this site loads so slowly in China, well let us just say that usually it doesn’t load at all without the help of a proxy or VPN. I chose this host because I knew it was usually blocked in China.

  13. 0112337 said


    oh ouch…hahaha…you speak with more conviction about my background than my mother. Do you really know?

    From your response I take it that you agree with my statements on the West? Yes, I did live in the West for some years, and let me tell you, if I had the time, I too can start a ignorant post like Mylaowai on the shortcomings in the Western world. There would be lots and lots of juicy posts. But the question is, what is the point of such an endeavor? Setting up such a thing shows my ignorance, since doing so suggests there’s some intrinsic difference between peoples, which there’s not.

    People all over the world are the same, the conditions they live in; the political climate, legal system, economic policies, educational doctrines, of past and present, shape them into who they are. There are no intrinsic differences between the Chinese or “Westerners”. Really. If a western country was as poor as China and had as much population, its people would behave in the exact same way, probably worse.

    I will not divulge the status of my passport, that is beside the point, but I am Chinese. I sympathize, for sure, and I empathize. I believe in, I guess what you would call, true Chinese values; Confucian ideals. What you Laowais have observed of “Chinese” characteristics, as reflected by the posts here, are what I would call Soviet communist behavior. People acted that way because of Soviet influences during the last century. If you go to Russia today, you will see the same things, maybe worse. The technocratic government are geniuses at instigating economic growth but have no idea about how to promote culture. In fact, I doubt they have any idea of what culture is other than a refrigerator, a mercedes, and a large house.

    Most of the people are lost, with nothing left except cynicism. People age 40+ have no idea how to make sense of the modern world since they grew up in communism, people age 40 below have no idea how to live at all. They are the products of a worker’s society, not a Chinese society.

  14. MyLaowai – I think the price of cheese is set to sky-rocket very soon so I suggest buying lots of it now and selling at a large profit later.

    PS – I’ve still never figured out why those damn Yankees (and the ABCs) use ‘z’ in place an ‘s’ in words like ‘recognize’, for example. Bah, it’s all almost Greek to me, but then again, so is English.

  15. MyLaowai said

    Ah, yes. Well, it is because they are barbarians, you see. Uncivilised and uncouth. Might I suggest that we stab one with a diphthong, to see whether it bleeds red blood?

    Pip pip old boy, must dash. Toodles.

  16. Slap2tickle said

    @0112337 “Confucian ideals” I don’t think we need to say anymore on this one. “People acted that way because of Soviet influences during the last century.” It’s easy to blame others for your own shortcomings and from experience this seems to be another “True Chinese value” or trait.

  17. justrecently said

    if I had the time, I too can start a ignorant post like Mylaowai on the shortcomings in the Western world. There would be lots and lots of juicy posts

    One has the time, when one knows how to organize it. I believe that blogging this way from inside China has two advantages. The blogger has fun with sounding off, and at the same time preserves the health of his mind and his stomach. The second advantage is that he describes a side of China which is usually missed outside and among foreigners, for some (misguided) respect for “cultural difference” (much less frequently referred to, but aka “a society ruled by totalitarianism”).

    As for telling the Chinese by how many dangerous and blood-thirsty wolves they are surrounded, who would tear them into pieces if Uncle Jie Fangjun wouldn’t continuously look after them under the correct guidance of the CCP, you have every media outlet in China available for that. If you’d add one or another “juicy” blog there makes no difference.

  18. justrecently said

    P.S.: the way the Party’s social engineering department is spreading Confucian values never ceases to impress me. No kidding.

  19. 0112337 said


    If the price of cheese is going up, that signifies a dearth of the commodity from basic economics, but that is NOT what I think you intended to express?

    I see you are still bent on your pre-conceived notions…oh well, believe what you will then.


    I am stating a general truth, in the vast expanse of China’s continuous history, I don’t believe there was ever a government like the communist party. The CPC’s crazy policies during the last century certainly ranks high on the list of exceptional lows in the history of Chinese government rule.

    But, in all honesty, every nation and every social group on this earth blames its faults on others, it’s a human experience. I don’t know which country you are from, but if you name it, I assure you I can name at least one instance in your country’s history where either your political leaders or one of your political factions blamed its faults on others.

  20. 0112337 said


    Your response is actually the most interesting of all. Yes, I agree that most foreigners, especially Europeans, have a romanticized view of China. I don’t know, perhaps it has its roots in Marco Polo and Europe’s general fascination with the mysterious Orient since ancient times?

    Unlike America, Europe interacted with China for much longer. Some scholars say Chinese silk caused Rome’s downfall. The Senate spent so much money on trade for Parthian silk, which they got from China via the Silk Road, that it could not spend adequately on its legions. Then Huo Qubing drove the Huns west during the Han dynasty, and the Huns displaced the Visigoths and other barbarians, which then moved south to sack Rome.

    It’s sad really. A lot of Europeans and European countries today wish to be China’s friend but Chinese people are still operating under the inferiority complex built up through propaganda films from the 80s and 90s. Most of the people have a irrational understanding of China’s defeat in European hands during the Qing dynasty and so harbor this revenge mentality. It’s a national phenomenon and I am speaking on this from a completely neutral, objective perspective.

    Westerners should know more about the other side of China, but I am surprised to see some of the Laowais’ criticisms. Having lived in one of China’s largest cities during the 80s and 90s, I recognized the problems mentioned here immediately. But those were the problems of the 80s…my city is completely changed today, or so I thought, do you guys still perceive the people to behave that way? Or did most of the criticisms stem from experiences with provincial 爆发户 or rural farmers?

    • MyLaowai said

      And as for how things are today… Actually things are getting worse, not better. Sure, more folks have colour televisions and the cities have taller buildings, but as for meaningful progress… No. The more that China benefits from foreigners, the worse things get and the more resentment and xenophobia take a front seat. As for the Chinese people themselves, things are also getting worse. It’s just that most of you don’t want to see it.

      • Joe Unlie said

        ‘Sure, more folks have colour televisions and the cities have taller buildings, but as for meaningful progress… No.’

        Definitions needed, please. You’ve pretty much just said “there’s been meaningful progress but there hasn’t been meaningful progress”.

      • MyLaowai said

        Colour televisions and taller buildings are no measure of meaningful progress.

        Nekulturny peasant.

      • ZH said

        aren’t these examples of material progress, e.g. industrial capacity and individual wealth? material progress is meaningless?

        most people, being materialists, would disagree with you. not that they wouldn’t agree that *something* is missing, but that’s how it is everywhere.

      • Joe Unlie said

        You didn’t answer my question. I’d like a definition, not a handwave.

  21. 0112337 said

    I have family members who are part of what you would call the dangerous, blood-thirsty wolves category; both in the Jie Fangjun and the civil government. Are they domineering? Maybe, but they certainly don’t prey on the common people as much as you guys make them out to be. The military is far less corrupt then civil society, they actually retained the first revolutionary spirit. And all of them, despite their arrogance, genuinely seek to better the overall lives of the people and the prestige of the country.

    But since we are on the topic of culture and ignorance, lets talk about Germans, you people fascinate me. I have lived in the West for almost ten years now and I would say Germans are the friendliest and most liberal of all Europeans I met…on the outside. But I also sense they are the most racist (underneath)? There’s certainly this unabashed feeling of extreme cultural superiority and I think, correct me if I am wrong, Germans show this attitude to other Europeans as well? So after WWII the German people realized their mistakes and learned to correct their racist mindset but deep inside, most still believe they are superior than everyone else?

    This is very interesting. Full grown German men act like children and are so methodical about maintaining rules and order.

    • MyLaowai said

      As for the military, I know for a fact that they are just as corrupt as any other element of Chinese society. And when I say I know that for a fact, I mean Fact.

      As for the German people, make your own mind up. It’s generally easier to see things as an outsider. That said, I know many Germans and have also been in Germany for some time, and it’s my view that Germany today is not the same nation that existed even fifty years ago. Racist? No. Arrogant? Perhaps. But more importantly, most Germans today grew up in the shadow of collective guilt, and that’s a hard cross to bear, particularly for a people who have so much to be proud of. The same argument could be made for many in Japan. Certainly, there can be no doubt that both Germany and Japan are today amongst the more responsible members of the world community. There should be a lesson in that for you.

      Anyway, it would be better if a German stepped in at this point.

  22. “…people realized their mistakes and learned to correct their racist mindset but deep inside, most still believe they are superior than everyone else?” You could just as easily precede that sentence with ‘The Chinese…’.

  23. justrecently said

    I have family members who are part of what you would call the dangerous, blood-thirsty wolves category.
    That’s what the Chinese propaganda is calling foreigners – to emphasize how important protection from the CCP is.

    But since we are on the topic of culture and ignorance, lets talk about Germans, you people fascinate me.

    Many Germans are know-it-alls, not only vis-a-vis foreigners, but also when talking with each other. A German who had been on a two-week package tour through China may tell me what China is like – not his impressions, but how I should see China. And next I (a know-it-all, too) will schoolmaster him with my points of view. That may not be amiable or endearing behavior, but it wouldn’t be racist – both people in the case described above are Germans. It’s interesting that anyone would think of us as Europe’s most liberal people, even if only on the outside. What leaves this impression with you? And what leaves the impression with you that we are the most racist underneath?

  24. justrecently said

    Anyway, it would be better if a German stepped in at this point.

  25. Joe Unlie said

    Being as I’m gay, wet pussy isn’t really my sort of thing. But as usual, I’m trying to figure out what makes a blogger tick, and all he does is handwave my comments… then again, our worldviews are so far apart there’s probably little room for comparison…

    • MyLaowai said

      Unlike you, Mister Unlie, most of the Laowai who post comments on this blog have never had trouble finding gainful employment. They have, by and large, also seen a fairly large slice of the world. Of course, that’s the advantage to having been born in a civilised place such as Europe.

      With regards your sexuality, that’s entirely your own affair. For future reference, however, please note that whilst wet pussy may not be your thing, a Wet Pussy most certainly is.

      In case you find yourself unable to follow what people are saying, which apparently seems to be the case here, here is someone you can get in touch with for help:


      Love and kisses and bouquets of Chinese flowers from all of us here at MLHQ.

      • Joe Unlie said

        Oh, I can follow what you’re saying, you just can’t follow what I’m saying.

        What I’m saying is that what you’re saying is a crock of shit. And again, Europe is only “civilized” because us American “barbarians” are protecting Europe’s rear. Enjoy the coming Islamification. As for Europe being a much better place for gainful employment, explain why France and Germany had unemployment rates in the 8-12% range throughout the late 90’s and early 00’s, while the US stayed at 4.5%? I had the misfortune of graduating into the worst economy in 80 years.

        It’s a shame you can’t enjoy your stay in China a little more. The people of Shanghai have been good to me, because I accept them for the flawed, pathetic sinners that they (and all of us) are. I don’t believe myself morally superior to them. I like some of their ways and habits better than those of my own people- even in their lying, they seem more honest.

        But that must be because you believe in progress. A hundred years after Nietzsche drubbed the notion; 60 years after Europe committed suicide; after this knowledge, what progress? I believe in technological progress, but as for politics and morals, we’re still the same fallen apes that we always have been and always will be.

      • “Oh, I can follow what you’re saying, you just can’t follow what I’m saying.”

        Ah, the typical arrogant response of the newly-graduated, pseudo-intellectual Seppo.

        An, he loves his country so much he abandoned it’s failure for the joys of totalitarianism. You make me chuckle.

      • Joe Unlie said

        Nay, I don’t love my country. Countries are really just associations for hating foreigners; I’m an anarchist at heart. But when Euros claim moral superiority, I can only remind them that they’re allowed that superiority because Americans are busy killing people so they don’t have to. Nation-states are the beast, and the sooner we have done with all of them, the better. I’d love nothing more than to see Hu Jintao strangled with the intestines of Barack Obama…

  26. MyLaowai said

    Gawd Bless the United States of Awesome.


    P.S. “civilised” is spelled without the use of a “z”, which is a letter pronounced “zed”.

  27. 0112337 said


    I suppose I will act as a “know-it-all” here as well and generalize for the sake of this ignorant blog. Let me correct something. From the Germans I met and knew, and from my experience staying in your country for about half a year, I found Germans have two personalities; one that they show to the public and one that they show to themselves. On the outside, most Germans I encountered are friendly and jovial, almost to the point of appearing silly…like children. They are liberal, very logical, very particular about following rules, and appear to show genuine interested in my culture and my country. I am not surprised, I would expect this to happen to a westerner in China as well. People like to meet and know foreigners they never met before.

    But when I really got to know them for who they are, or I should say when they realized that I knew their culture, history, and what they were thinking, I found some Germans, especially those who are older, to be very conservative and arrogant to the point of what I thought was racism. They have this attitude that German culture, civilization, and Germany the nation are the only entities in this world that is incorruptible and worthy of respect. All other nations and peoples are beneath them. It was extreme pride. Moreover, it was blatant, explicit, and aggressive outward arrogance, something that is truly uniquely German. I didn’t notice this anywhere else.

    • MyLaowai said

      “They have this attitude that German culture, civilization, and Germany the nation are the only entities in this world that is incorruptible and worthy of respect. All other nations and peoples are beneath them. It was extreme pride. Moreover, it was blatant, explicit, and aggressive outward arrogance, something that is truly uniquely German. I didn’t notice this anywhere else.”

      Replace ‘German’ and ‘Germany’ with ‘China’ and ‘Chinese’, and this becomes more accurate and correct. From an historical perspective since ancient times, of course.

    • justrecently said


      I’m sorry to hear that your experience in my country is or wasn’t more enjoyable for you. That said, I don’t see any more arrogance in some of my compatriots’ attitude towards China these days, than what I saw in some of their attitudes towards the U.S. some eight years ago – you know, that was when America invaded Iraq. The funny thing is that I heard no Chinese friends here complain about any kind of German superiority complex back then. I may be wrong, but my gut feeling tells me that it isn’t arrogance with German characteristics which upsets you, but the fact that our public’s attention has turned to your country and its government this time. It would be less despicable in your view if it was suited you better.
      Anyway – as Joe correctly remarked, we wouldn’t be in a position to force our views onto other people, even if we wanted to, and even if our motivation was indeed racist. Your findings in my country don’t need to worry you.

      • Ned Kelly said

      • MyLaowai said

        Ah yes, the genius of Harry Enfield.

        Chinese viewers will note two things:

        1. YouTube is blocked in China.

        2. Harry Enfield didn’t bother with that silly ‘crosstalk’, which is why he was entertaining.

      • Let’s get one thing straight. YouTube is NOT blocked in China because the Chinese authorities do not practice censorship of the Internet. It’s just that China is a developing country and it’s communications infrastructure is not up to the standards of the western develop countries yet. Yes they can put a person into space an have ambitions to land on the moon, but don’t try to twitter about it because twitter is so slow in China and it hardly ever loads due to limited bandwidth and China’s high number of active internet participants.

      • Col. Klink said

        Und rumour hazzit zey zell zees iPhone in zee country mit nein vireless net capability!?!?

        Mein Gott!!

  28. Arnaudet said


    I'm sorry to hear that your experience in my cojntry is or wasn't more enjoyable for you. That said, I don't see any more arrogance in some of my compatriots' attitude towards China these days, than what I saw in some of their attitudes towards the U.S. some eight years ago – you know, that was when America invaded Iraq. The funny thing is that I heard no Chinese friends here complain about any kind of German superiority complex back then. I may be wrong, but my gut feeling tells me that it isn't arrogance with German characteristics which upsets you, but the fact that our public's attention has turned to your country and its government this time. It would be less despicable in your view if it was suited you better.
    Anyway – as Joe correctly remarked, we wouldn't be in a position to force our views onto other people, even if we wanted ti, and even if our motivation was indeed racist. Your findings in my country don't need to worry you.;

    • 0112337 said

      Yes, I could be wrong. After all, I only stayed in your country for half a year. I can’t really pass judgement.

      But I always found Germany interesting. You people are really fascinating. I was reading Clausewitz the other day and I couldn’t help but notice how that approach to conflict resolution permeated the entire European mindset. Compare his philosophy with Sun Zi’s, and you get a idea of fundamental differences in approach to conflict.

      Germans, and Europeans to some extent, believed in dominating their opponents through brute force whereas Chinese believed in using deceit and guise to win over their opponents.

      Perhaps that is why China adopted the martial arts route whereas Germany and the rest of Europe went down the path of weaponry and firearms?

  29. 0112337 said

    Personally I am not surprised by racism. Racism is a trait inherent in all people, asians, africans, and Europeans. It’s a human phenomenon. As long as that person doesn’t offend me, and keeps his or her ideas to him or herself, I don’t care.

    People all over the world are the same. Whatever traits or ignorant beliefs held by one group of people is also either inherent or obvious amongst another. When I was in Europe, I heard my friend there give me a breakdown of Western European stereotypes; the Italians are the farmers, the Germans the mercilessly efficient engineers, the British, the psychoanalytical bankers, and the French the whimsical, hedonistic artists. Very well I told him, you guys are just as ignorant as us.

    We also have stereotypes for people from each region in China. The Beijingers are the talkers who blabber about everything. The Shanghainese are mild and soft, but very good with money (Shanghainese women act like men and the men act like women). People from Dongbei (Manchuria) are warm-hearted and very keen to help others. Hubei is a region that breeds bandits. Henan produces liars. Hebei grows farmers. Good men come from Shandong. And the best merchants in all of China come from Zhejiang and Wenzhou. Of course, Hunanese are the pillars of China. As long as Hunan remains a part of China, the country will not fall.

    China is like a peaceful version of ancient Rome.

    • MyLaowai said

      “Racism is a trait inherent in all people… It’s a human phenomenon.”

      Incorrect, and historically inaccurate. Well, apart from here, that is.

      “People all over the world are the same. Whatever traits or ignorant beliefs held by one group of people is also either inherent or obvious amongst another.”


      “China is like a peaceful version of ancient Rome.”

      Thank you for this, I now have the subject of two posts. Stay tuned to this channel.

      • 0112337 said

        You really are a strange man, I assume you are a man. Your art is cynicism and bashing a country? What is wrong with you? Go do something else.

      • Ouch!! Whimper, whimper!! Aren’t you the one that needs to ‘go do something else’?

        Before you go, I will give you one thing –

        “China is like a peaceful version of ancient Rome.” – CLASS, PURE CLASS! LMAO & ROFPMSL, etc, etc, etc. Sodom and Gomorrah perhaps.

  30. 0112337 said


    I think you will agree with me if you read more history. What I am stating is the overall historic trend.

    You Europeans did not reach prominence until the 17th century.

    • I think you are 100% correct. Rome grew up from an insular, insignificant little prefecture to become an immense world power both economically and militarily (comparatively for the time) before consuming itself through greed, corruption, hegemony and complete and utter lack of respect for everyone that wasn’t Roman and didn’t bow down to pay homage and then collapsing like a black hole. I see a parallel.

  31. Slap2tickle said

    I think, and this is just my opinion, but what do I know, I’m just European, that 0112337 is either working hard to earn his 10c this week, or he’s been living abroad too long and is disillusioned about reality in his own country, it seems to be a common pattern among wealthy Chinese children who study or work abroad that they are insulated from the outside world as kids and then shipped off thus forming a twisted nationalistic view of China. It’s hard to accept reality sometimes, don’t worry 0112337 the world has better things to do than to make China look bad, China does that on it’s own without any help from the world.

    • 0112337 said

      I am on vacation. That’s why I am writing so much here, for the benefit of Chinese and Laowais alike.

      China does have its problems but modern Europe is like the Shao-ye of pre-Republican China, disillusioned, hopelessly unrealistic, and living in its own false grandeur, enjoying the last fruits of a dead, decaying, tree.

      Enjoy your arrogance, this luxury won’t last.

  32. 0112337 said


  33. 0112337 said

    I am a student of mathematics. 0112337 has a particular meaning, are you smart enough to figure it out?

    • I was tempted to completely ignore that but I thought it better to remain true to my nature and reply with, ‘Who gives a flying fuck!’. I read about that in Cornell University Library as well.

      • 0112337 said

        I am a graduate student in mathematics. You are an idiot. Cornell is the easiest Ivy to get into and one with the lowest education quality.

        I bet you must be really stupid, and you must say ‘Who gives a flying fuck!’ a lot in your life.

        But I am not a hater, I wish you to stay alive, strong, and heathy as well. Breed. European populations are dwindling. You people are an endangered species.

      • Coming from you, that is such a compliment. Thank you old bean. However, I must point out that I didn’t actually go to college in the US. I (being a Northern European) had the pleasure of missing out on that and I’m glad, very glad. I think the entire US education system is pathetic and well past it’s sell by date. You only have to look at the quality of US graduates, lower and middle management across the country (and don’t even talk about high school kids and undergrads) and you can see the level of retards that they are churning out. They only take foreign students into US universities to make their own ones look good. Thank you – and you now you can get back to your research. Miss March has a superb pair of tits I think you’ll find.

    • MyLaowai said

      Agreed. Hardly relevant except as an “I’m smarter than you LOL hehhe” cry for attention.

      Besides, we did those numbers in middle school.

      • 0112337 said

        Oh yeah? I am glad you can identify the numbers 0112337. Can you count too? How about add, multiply, and subtract? I bet they taught you that at middle school not elementary school.

        Stay alive.

        This will be my last post for now. I need to get back to my research.

      • “This will be my last post for now. I need to get back to my research.” – Oh please, stop teasing us. You’re such a card.

  34. Chinese Netizen said


    ha ha

    LOL ha ha ha

    ha ha LOL

    L ha ha O ha ha L



  35. Scoobydo said

    “I am a student of mathematics. 0112337 has a particular meaning, are you smart enough to figure it out?”

    I am afraid you have been arguing with a nerd chaps.

    Too busy thinking up terribly interesting maths puzzles. The ladies think he is a wizz…

  36. 0112337 said

    Mr. MyLaowai,

    What about you? Are you a horse with a small brain but a large penis? Did Mrs. MyLaowai take you for that penis or your foreign citizenship? You certainly don’t sound as if you have money. Did she figure out the Fibonacci connection? Good for her. Now ask her why 37 and not 58.


    Elite U.S. education teaches you how to think independently and how to lead. Elite European education teaches you what others have thought. Elite Russian education trains you to not think at all. That is why the U.S. is always #1 in research and Americans hire Europeans like you to come here to be utilized to further the U.S. R&D, they reap the profits and then spit you out.

    But, friend, seriously, BREED. Your species is in danger of extinction, your land has become ScandiARABIvania. In 50 years, Germany will be populated with Turks, England by Pakistani muslims, France by Algerians, and your region will be populated with middle eastern Muslim immigrants/refugees. BREED.

    You idiots think so highly of Europe and European social + political institutions, yet you people are silently being massacred by its excellent welfare system. BREED stop enjoying life, stop going to bars and nightclubs, stop using condoms. BREED.


    I sound nerdy and rambling precisely because I see no point in sounding rational or treating any of you idiots with respect on such a ridiculous blog. You spew trash, I spew trash. We all find relief.

    But you are right, I really need to stop. This thing is getting addictive.

    • Numbnut, you missed out ‘Chinese education teaches you…’. (note – there is no ‘elite’ in that sentence)

      You have a very high opinion of yourself and you see “no point in sounding rational or treating any of you idiots with respect on such a ridiculous blog. You spew trash, I spew trash. We all find relief. But you are right, I really need to stop. This thing is getting addictive.”

      Why do you need relief? Your life sounds so perfect as it is. Aren’t you just a sad piece of rind from a month old turd lying baking in the sun and ignored by flies, who comes here to try and feel wanted or at least to seek the attention that you sorely lack in your RL? You know nothing about us, or at least me except from the assumptions that you draw from whimsical lines of inane banter on a website that you stumbled across while searching for white-porn to find the relief you really need. However, it is easy to paint a picture of you because at least you are trying to be open and honest and all the time you are coming across like an asshole with no friends. From here on on in, I shall call you Jimmy after the famous TV character, ‘Jimmy nae Mates’.

      For many, many years I have laughed at people like you with your young, undergraduate ideals and dreams of a better world that you will create when you get out into the big bad world and all the while distorting the world that is really out there, the world that you visualise from the books and glossy magazines (and pseudo-intellectual fkdup liberal websites) that you have read.

      Once you have lived a little and experienced enough years of the real world of work and most importantly, responsibility (and not just for a kitten), then you have licence to tell me what you think is wrong with the world in general and maybe Europe in particular, because I will tell you one thing Jimmy, just one thing Jimmy – Europe and the USA will be around in an an ever-learning, ever-growing and ever-developing capacity LONG after China has succumbed to the historic cycle of greed, corruption and ‘clan’ inter-fighting that will surely tear it apart, again and again and again and again!

      Thank you for listening young sire, this is Radio Free Europe, out!

      • 0112337 said

        “Why do you need relief? Your life sounds so perfect as it is. Aren’t you just a sad piece of rind from a month old turd lying baking in the sun and ignored by flies, who comes here to try and feel wanted or at least to seek the attention that you sorely lack in your RL? You know nothing about us, or at least me except from the assumptions that you draw from whimsical lines of inane banter on a website that you stumbled across while searching for white-porn to find the relief you really need.”

        hahahahah…..No, I don’t know who you are, nor do I care. You and this fool MyLaowai are nobodies… that’s my point…or um…lets be more precise…nobody dum-dum foreign shmucks losing in the Chinese market out of cultural arrogance. Out of this belief that the environment along with a billion people, who are just as important as poor pathetic fucks like you, should change to fit you, when it was YOU who wanted to come to this environment in the first place. You come here to sulk, hate, and complain about China like AS IF you are somebodies. That’s the joke. Get it, junior?! I am simply playing along and adding my own twist.

        Do you know me? I can say I am a graduate student in mathematics or I can say I am the 25% stakeholder in one of the largest pharmaceutical companies based in Tangshan, China which I along with my friends+family bagged in our private equity scheme that involved deceiving major U.S. mutual fund groups and Chinese real estate investors. You have no idea who I am. That’s the beauty of cyberspace.

        “For many, many years I have laughed at people like you with your young, undergraduate ideals and dreams of a better world that you will create when you get out into the big bad world and all the while distorting the world that is really out there, the world that you visualise from the books and glossy magazines (and pseudo-intellectual fkdup liberal websites) that you have read.”

        Oh believe YOU ME, I for sure know how fucked up it is out there…especially in China, right now. Hence I say, STAY ALIVE. It’s a “dog-eat-dog” world.

        “Europe and the USA will be around in an an ever-learning, ever-growing and ever-developing capacity LONG after China has succumbed to the historic cycle of greed, corruption and ‘clan’ inter-fighting that will surely tear it apart, again and again and again and again!”

        Hallelujah~! Amen Brother~! Now you just try and keep that “ever-learning, ever-growing, and ever-developing capacity” populated with REAL people, not dolls, not robots, not Muslim arabs, REAL European people, who actually believe in your idyllic fantasies okay?

        White porn is pretty good. Some of the porn stars are absolute animals.

  37. Scoobydo said

    “What do you all think? Immature girl who was spoiled by daddy, or boy with tiny penis?”

    Boy with a tiny penis.

    To be fair, his penis isn’t that tiny. It’s big enough to make other arrogant little Asians with little penises. And the cycle continues…

  38. 0112337 said

    Hungry, local wolves in China haven’t ate sheep like you yet because they haven’t gotten used to your flesh and blood. They don’t know you are prey just like all the others they slaughter. But that’s slowly starting to change.

    Stay alive and watch your back.


    I am going to chop off that dog penis of yours, then you will be barking without one.

  39. Scoobydo said

    “Hungry, local wolves in China haven’t ate sheep like you yet because they haven’t gotten used to your flesh and blood. They don’t know you are prey just like all the others they slaughter. But that’s slowly starting to change.


    Oh, my God! You really do know nothing about mainland China!

    Foreign devils in China are pretty much at the top of the list when it comes to ‘local wolves’ (as you put it) eating flesh.

    If there is one thing that Chinese people hate more than another Chinese person making money, it is a foreigner making money.

    You have inadvertently revealed your own ignorance.

    • 0112337 said

      Scoobydog, I think you are confusing kindness with obsequiousness. Yes, Chinese people have been too kind to sheep like you. It’s a serious problem.

      But we shall see how long spoiled sheep like you can bleat under the watchful eye of the wolves. If you are in China, you know. The social trend is already turning against you. Once the wolves figure out “foreign devils” like you are just like any other sheep… and figure out your properties…hahaha…be careful.


  40. Cut it out, Scoobydo. Your provocations are distracting 0112337 from his research work which is vital for the smotherland’s coming victory.

  41. 0112337 said

    Keep up the good work guys. Your idiotic provocations have accomplished what centuries of Chinese patriots have failed to achieve, instill in the people the image of a common enemy. You are helping us achieve our goals.

    Thank you.

    • Oy, Jimmy nae mates – ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……………………

      Apologies for that, now I must get back to my important research.

      Slainte Mhath.

      • 0112337 said

        You are Scottish…interesting. See I was wondering where in “Northern Europe” you were from. You can’t be Swedish or Norwegian, they are generally civilized enough and conflict averse enough to NOT go on a blog like this. I thought you were Finnish for a moment…

        Interesting how you Scots call yourself “Northern Europeans” now. Most of my friends here still think of you guys as British.

        How close is the region in becoming independent? Is it really because of the oil in the Northern Sea like they say?

        “Slainte Mhath” to you too.

      • Prick!! Britain is part of Northern Europe. As for you other questions, don’t try and start a discourse with me on any level – I think you’re an asshole.

        Radio Free Europe – Out!

      • 0112337 said

        Prick? Asshole? Hold your horses there partner. I didn’t even say anything about you or your country yet. Do I see a curious case of the early “fenqing” syndrome? And god forbid from a Laowai? I am sorry, this is too much. This has to be a new record, I have to contact the leading medical journals of the day and report this. This can’t be happening. A Laowai…angry? Because somebody said something about his country? Maybe I should adopt Mr. MyLaowai’s approach and proclaim this is the general response when dealing with all Westerners?

        Lets invent a new term for you, “fenwai”, 愤外, or no…better yet, lets use the term, 粪外. Yeah! That’s better and it even fits with your “sinosceptic” haha…粪外 in the sinosceptic.

        That’s what I will call you from now on, Mr. fenwai from Scotland.

      • 0112337 said

        “As for you other questions, don’t try and start a discourse with me on any level”

        Dear Mr. Fenwai (粪外) the Highlander,

        You think too highly of yourself. Discourse with you? I know more than you. how can I discourse with you? This is a blog for trash. Everybody knows that. There’s not a thread of truth here. You make fun of me, I poke fun of you! Rest assured, I think you are an asshole too along with this Mr. MyLaowai.

        Yours truly,

        Jimmy Nae Mates

        P.S. In your country, shouldn’t the term be “Billy Nae Mates” ?

      • MyLaowai said

        Sorry Archimedes, “Fenwai” is already in use as a username by a regular commenter on this forum.

        He’s Chinese, too.

      • Sinosceptic said

        “I didn’t even say anything about you or your country yet” – Far from being an angry ‘laowai’, I am actually not angry in the slightest nor am I in China so you can shove your ‘laowai’ right up you your tea-towel holder. It’s just that I think you’re an asshole – a lying horse’s asshole at that. Hey, it’s a free country (here) and I can say what I want (within the bounds of decency and/or being censored by the website owner) and if you don’t like it, then tough shit. I couldn’t care less.


      • justrecently said

        This is a blog for trash.
        That’s why you like it here, 0112337? Or is it because once in a while, you need to return to the civilized world, at least online?
        If you want trash, I recommend China Daily online. I believe they have cool comment threads, too.

        If you go to Russia today, you will see the same things, maybe worse. The technocratic government are geniuses at instigating economic growth but have no idea about how to promote culture.
        The usual headache of a fenqing: That bloody shithole (insert anything from “A” to “Chile” or from “Colombia” to “Z”) isn’t Chinese!

      • 0112337 said

        Mr. Fenwai the highlander,

        I lie about my job and identity because this is the cyberspace but I don’t lie about what I tell you regarding China. Yes, I want you Europeans, Americans, and other westerners to understand China too. Especially what Chinese today are thinking, and I can tell you this, Mr. MyLaowai is painting an info-picture that is at least 20 years old.

        I don’t know, perhaps because of his age, he still sees China as how it was back then.

    • MyLaowai said

      I’ll have you know that there are a number of Swedish and Norwegian subscribers to this blog, and that MyLaowai.com was recently nominated for an award in Sweden, and possibly in my mind as well.

      Mind you, it’s interesting how you lot call yourself “Chinese” now. Most people around the world think of you as thieves, thugs, and murderers.

      You really are a 42-carat plonker.

      • 0112337 said

        Interesting how you can hate the country so much yet choose to marry a “thief/thug/murderer” and will (I assume) give birth to little “thieves/thugs/murderers”. Truly incomprehensible there.

        China is a developing nation, it is currently at where Britain was at the outset of the industrial revolution and where America was when it went through its boom during the 20s. The education system is Soviet, classical, and does not encourage independent thinking. It fosters kids who think like how Europeans thought back in the 1700-1800s…mixed in with Chinese characteristics. In fact, I think a lot of Chinese people still think of Europe as it were during the 1700s and 1800s, only to find, to their great dismay that the reality is far from the grandeur in their mind.

        Your site doesn’t show everything, in fact, as someone who actually does…stuff…I would say the things you report are old news. Things that happened during the 80s-90s. Perhaps in the provinces that mentality still persist. You are a Laowai, so you don’t know everything. We don’t show you everything. I can tell you a lot more shocking, despicable things which even YOU would find surprising. What you report is a tease at best compared to that.

        Some of you European businesspeople wants to “localize”. Don’t. If you act like one of us, then you play by our rules, and you are gangster. That has implications which most of you are not ready yet. I assure you, fresh off the boat, you are not ready for the Chinese environment if you “localize” immediately.

        The Chinese Communist Party is the mafia, and modern China is a monster. It’s the offspring of Soviet Communism. It’s not Chinese.

        Nothing is better than the truth, and I try to show you all what is as a balance to what I do everyday, and what the Chinese people are thinking…for good and bad.

      • Scoobydo said

        “China is a developing nation”

        5,000 alleged years of history and its still developing. You guys don’t get much done do you?

        “The Chinese Communist Party is the mafia, and modern China is a monster. It’s the offspring of Soviet Communism.”

        That would be an off spring of Soviet Communism with Chinese characteristics?

        Typical Chinese. Nothing is ever your fault.

  42. Scoobydo said

    “Scoobydog, I think you are confusing kindness with obsequiousness. Yes, Chinese people have been too kind to sheep like you. It’s a serious problem.


    Listen old chap. Its perhaps best if toddle off and do your arithmetic homework. There’s a good chap.

    All this “I’ve swallowed a Mary Shelly novel” melodrama doesn’t suit you.

    Look, no offence. We all know you are a bit of a plonker who doesn’t get out much.

    But do you have to make that fact so painfully obvious.

    Jimmy nae mates indeed. Do you also perhaps have weemanitis as well?

  43. john said


    dude you got too much time on your hands. this site is like going to the local pole palace for a bit of relief — you dont need to get in a debate with the masseuse…

    “China is like a peaceful version of ancient Rome.” – oh and that is classic….I can hardly wait for the two posts promised by mylaowai . true comeuppance for a supposed “chinese” that “understands” the “West”

  44. Keep up the good work guys. Your idiotic provocations have accomplished what centuries of Chinese patriots have failed to achieve, instill in the people the image of a common enemy. You are helping us achieve our goals.
    You are a weakling, 0112337. Of course you are free to make your choices (so far as Uncle Jie Fangjun allows) – but you will have to accept the responsibility for your choices on your own. And if you can’t do that, you will still have to bear your share of the consequences.
    I can already imagine your next complaints – another imperialist plot has triggered another humiliation for our proud smotherland – *sob*.
    Did I mention before how commendable Mylaowai’s blog is? It helps foreigners to read China. And it provides uptight fenqings with an opportunity to do their mental masturbation here. It’s truly win-win.

  45. Scoobydo said

    “Keep up the good work guys. Your idiotic provocations have accomplished what centuries of Chinese patriots have failed to achieve, instill in the people the image of a common enemy. You are helping us achieve our goals.”

    Again, 0112337 has shown he has never stepped foot in mainland China. 99% of Chinese people would happily have China smite its Western ‘foes’. The other 1% would follow the crowd.

    They have been getting brainwashed by the Communist party since the 1950s.

    Actually, they have been up for a good bit of smiting their foes (read: anyone who has something China wants) since the year dot.

    The Chinese, as a group, are always and have always been up for a good war in spite of their protestations that they are a peace loving people.

    The lady doth protest too much.

    0112337’s ignorance is astounding.

  46. justrecently said

    Sorry, Scooby, but I’ve seen an otherwise honorable Chinese commenter recommend that a Western businessman should “call the police” if something is stolen from his inventory in China by his staff.
    I see no reason to doubt that 0112337 is indeed suffering at the hands of Russian culture in China.

  47. Heiney said

    Good God!

    I think you guys got yourselves another hand-to-hand sniper around here.


  48. […] celebrate this day by offering a patriotic tribute to China’s only superhero (here, here, here and here), but let’s face it: Lei Feng the Hero is about as plausible as the Gingerbread Man. […]

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